This is what I want to do right now.
Labels: feelings
I slept at 7:30 in the morning today and woke up at 2:30 in the arvo. I thought I would sleep more but its so hard to sleep in , in the afternoon due to noise being produced in every direction. I wonder if I can be awake for 24 hours straight…
Today is Anzac Day and as the great Vice Captains Chris & I are, we went to Fairfield RSL to attend the ceremony. Unfortunately we were one of very few schools to attend the school. Shame to the schools that didn’t go! Anzac day is always a sad and reflective public day, I wouldn’t know how it feels like to lose someone you love in a blood-thirsty war but I do respect and appreciate the soldiers who fought for our freedom and I am thankful for freedom of speech and chocolate. We will remember them
Just three days left till school resumes and back to that tiring thing called the HSC. Next holidays, I will be so productive (I hope) studying for the trials then the holidays after that is the last holidays till HSC.
I definitely can’t wait for post-HSC period where the only things on my mind are partying and sleeping. However I will miss high school and all the great memories that have been made. Life’s so sad… But we're all in this together!

Anyway if anyone’s pondering what to get me for my birthday… a ticket to New York would be nice =) , thank you thank you.
Listening to ..
Death cab for cutie – title and registration
Cause behind its door there's nothing to keep my fingers warmAnd all i find are souvenirs from better times
Before the gleam of your taillights fading east
To find yourself a better life.
Labels: Anzac, HSC, school

Its so COLD.
I want hot chocolate & perhapss a nice knitted scarf.
Labels: winter

I’ve been feeling out if ‘it’ these days, feeling paranoid, self-conscious and over-thinking certain situations. I hate the fact that my life revolves around paranoia because most of the time I am picturing the negative connotations of certain situations and the worse part is… some of it turns out to be true. I only have one week left of holidays and I feel like I wasted the first week doing nothing, I have not accomplished any of my study goals nor personal goals. What does this tell me? It tells me that I must break this habit, along with many other bad habits:
- late nights & late mornings
- procrastinating & stop finding any excuse to not do the allocated task
- be aware of surroundings
- stop daydreaming and fly away from lala land
- stop relying everything on fate or hope
- stop leaving everything till the last minute
- Wake up .. There’s not much time left.
- Stop spending money on things that are not needed
- Such as eating out all the time
I just wished I could say “NO” to certain things, why do I have to give in to temptation and the fact of having fun? I know I said it was wrong and not necessary to become anti-social but I want to lock myself in my room for 7 months, I know… I am a hypocrite. Although I know there will be repercussions such as ‘drifting’ from many people but at this moment, I only have a limited amount of close friends due to school and personal reasons, and if I were to live under a rock for 7 months, HSC would only be part of the reason why.
Unless.. someone comes along to change that perspective .
This song is how I feel right now, been repeated for many hours.
Sarah Blasko – Hammer

There's a hole in the roof and the dust that's pouring through
means you want to build the world again from scratch,'cause nothing moved means nothing found,but there's a sadness in the soundas the walls crack and the scenes change so fastV.Labels: anti-social, thoughts
..keep losing?
you guys help me forget my troubles and that's all I need right now.
currently listening to..
Feist - The Water
The telegraph cables hungThe few can decipher who the message is from
And delivering quietly'
Cause some don’t get much company 
Labels: City, friends, thoughts
There is always peaceful yet jovial busking music everywhere you go. I love this; I love the atmosphere, the people, and the lights of the city. It’s simple. I want to live there.
I recommend a restaurant in circular quay called “City Extra”, their menus are made like newspapers! So creative.
Today I went to Emily’s get together; it was fun catching up with everyone again! I miss you guys heaps L
Right now… there is no chance I will be able to fall asleep as my brother’s friends are over because today is my brother’s birthday. Happy 25th bro!
What’s on my mind lately? Well apart from HSC, I swear HSC is going to be etched in my memory for forever or something, there is not a day that I do not think about HSC, maybe its because it’s the most important aspect of my life at the moment
Things running through my mind at this very moment:
- going out
- Saturday nights
- Cute guy a few ft away from me
- Zac efron - 17- POST HSC
- Moody moods
- sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeplistening to..Rowena's voiceV.Labels: City, dinner, kate
There is..
…running through my veinsLabels: feelings
I was going to write a blog entry on my day today… but due to a certain someone (KHANH) I am going to write this instead!
By the way, today I had lunch with Thanh&Katrina, and went to Row’s house to hang out. It was a lot more interesting but I am not going to go in further detail.
What you've got to do is think about 15 people who pop into your head and write about them. However, don't be too personal or obvious and give out who they are. Here are my ones:
1. Despite your mood swings your one of the people who can see two sides of a fight and know what to say to make me forget about my troubles sometimes. Your somewhat mysterious yet still have the time to talk and hang out with friends.
2. You’re an amazing person who inspires me in many different levels. Your one of the people I believe will remain my best friend till deaths do us part. You make me laugh, smile and gradually lift my spirits when I am feeling down.
3. You’re a very logical person who gives me necessary advice to endure my problems. Although there are barriers for us to become closer, we both try to sustain our closeness. I hope throughout time we still be good close friends because it would be a shame to lose such a good person like you. You are probably the only person I know who is physically and emotionally strong. I love talking to you.
4. You’re a really great friend, we share so many different things together and no matter what we will always be best friends through thick and thin, our friendship level is off the scale and I love you so much.
5. We have endured so much in such a long period of time yet still remain strong and healthy till this day and forever. I love you so much and we can talk about anything for hours and hours.
6. You make me laugh a lot and totally get me about certain things. You’re probably the most hardworking person I know yet still can fit in time for the special people in your life. Im glad that we have grown closer throughout the years.
7. You’re someone who was once the most important person in my life but now that’s totally changed. I wish I still knew what kind of person you are but its too late now. I always thought you would be someone who will stand next to me if I ever get married due to how close we were, it’s funny how things changed so fast.
8.You are someone who I somewhat enjoy talking to despite our differences. I know you’ll end up being very successful and rich. I like owning you in arguments because it makes me feel intelligent as you are a very intelligent person yourself.
9. Although we had some pretty bad downs in the past, I am so glad you regard me as one of your close best friends as you don’t regard many as close. I love our inside jokes and although sometimes you tend to annoy people, I know deep down inside you really are a great friend.
10. You are the loudest person I have ever known but its funny. You are really hilarious and I love hanging out and talking to you because you make me feel normal. I hope through time, we will still be good friends because you are one of a kind.
11. I know we’re not that close but I don’t know why I had the urge to put you in here. I know you’ve had to endeavor some harsh problems but just to let you know that I am always here if you need to talk.
12. If I was a guy, I think I would be you. It’s weird how you can read me so well and how I can read you so well. I love the person you are and you are so amazing and interesting. I am so glad that I met you because it made me realize that there is someone out there who shares the same interests and ambitions as me.
13. Out of all the people I know, you would have to be the kindest person I know. I am so glad we were close at one point but it’s a shame that we have drifted dramatically. I really miss you and our long talks. You are such an interesting person and any guy would be so lucky to have you.
14. No matter how hard I try to forget you, I just simply cant. Your name is like carved into my heart for god knows how long. You were probably the closest I felt to love so far. I know I treated you wrong and it is by far my deepest regret. If I didn’t act like how I did, then things would definitely be different right now. I might even be happy at this moment, but life goes on so I am trying my hardest to live life without you. You taught me indirectly to be a better person and if I could ever speak to you again, that is what I would tell you.
15. We were really close at one point and then we grew real distant with each other, to the point where I didn’t know who you were anymore. Then, fate gave us the chance to regain our closeness but at this very moment, we still remain the same, unclose. I miss you dearly and hope soon that we will be close again.Labels: deep, friends, meaningful
Please don’t stop being my friend. Im not weird.. okay I am but the good weird :)
I love Sundays for two reasons:
1. It’s a relaxing day where you can have bubble baths, read a good book in bed or do some things that you could not during the week
2. There are no plans
Yesterday I went to city for some hardcore shopping with Khanh. The trip to Pitt St Mall was disastrous; Khanh & I got lost twice, thanks to someone saying ‘I know where we are’ numerous times. KHANHHH IM LOOKING AT YOU! When we finally reached our destination, we were so relieved, and so tired, my legs felt like falling off. After that we went to Market City, thanks to my great direction (that’s right Khanh not yours) we got there easily. I was dying of hunger so we went to eat and rest for a bit.. then more hardcore shopping! I had like a white streak yesterday; everything I bought was coincidentally white, real weird.
I wished I lived in the city, I could go shopping everyday and it’s close to almost everything so there no need to walk far or drive far or even have a car.
Being the cheap bitches, Khanh and I are, we went to capitols to steal the background to take photos with our camera… it was hilarious and we both made a pact that if we got caught we would run.

The train ride home was silent as both of us was tired as, we literally shopped till we dropped. I didn’t do much after I got home, talked on the phone for 3 or 4 hours and went to sleep as I was dead tired, mentioning that once again.
Today im planning to catch up on the movies I want to watch.
Happy Easter everyone!
Currently chilling to..
Kate Voegele – Chicago
“I've never known youBut I'm no stranger to this feeling
I know it's over but the hurts not
What do you call it?
What do you call it when broken hearts are not done healing”
Labels: City, Easter, Shopping
I was going to write an Easter entry but according to Daniel, Easter is actually on Sunday. I knew that…..
I woke up at midday today wanting to sleep more but you know when you reached the point where you can not sleep any more... like the limit has exceeded? Yeah, That’s why I woke up. I planned today to be a stay at home in bed watching classic movies day.. But the weather is far too nice for that. David asked me if I wanted to go watch Dragon Ball so I said yes, more on that later. I decided to watch a movie before the movie and thanks to Alex who gave me Coyote Ugly, that’s what I wanted to watch. However, my laptop died this morning, I think the battery is stuffed up or something, it always does that, stupid laptop, so I decided to watch it on my brother’s computer but it didn’t work for some particular reason. So I decided to watch Twilight again since my blinds were down and I was on the bed already. Still in love with Edward Cullen.
Then, my brother kicked me off to watch his stupid anime, so I decided to kill more time, I know I should be preserving my time because I don’t have enough time as I am a full time student doing her HSC and HSC kills pretty much 3/4s of your time. Anyway, I turned on my computer and decided to try the disc on my computer.. keep reading, Im getting to my point! So it WORKED. I was so angry!!!
The point of that recount was to say that… why can’t everything work with everything? That’s right, because life would be boring. I mean, if every fashion statement worked on everyone, individuality would not be in the dictionary. Society contradicts in so many ways, one way is how everyone says ‘its good to be yourself, be different’ but MOST people go for the typical ‘hot, stunning, model-like looking guys or girls’ . Dude, that ain’t different. Im glad I am not one of those people, okay I guess, I would like someone like that but if his boring… goodbye! Looks would attract me, but it’s the personality that would make me stay. If he was gorgeous but never talked, I would dump him straight away or keep him for a while to stare at him… You get my point :)
So, today I was a bored child and since Dragon Ball is one of the movies on my list to watch, David & I decided to go watch it. It wasn’t that BAD.. but it was quite bad, the main character is quite cute & the girls are hot! The storyline was really awful and confusing and was nothing like the anime, so watch it, if you’re a big dragon ball fan, im going to watch the whole anime again from start to finish this year, that’s one of my goals!

After the movie it was only 8 o clock, so we decided to go to Julie’s house to chill and catch up for a bit,. It was hilarious the things we talked about it and it was amusing to see Julie & David fight continuously. Love ya guys!
Is currently mellowing out to….
Lykke li – Breaking It up
“So give me the reason to stay
Give me the reason to wait
You know I don't look to get caught'
Cause darling we're here but my true love is not”
Labels: Dragon Ball, Edward Cullen, Movies
So today as you would have seen, I went to watch 17 again starring the gorgeous Zac Efron. If there was an exact duplicate of Zac but not famous and in reach, I will no doubt find my ways to be with him…. Even if it means fighting with my best friends!! (joking guys…..or am I?) I won’t say too much to ruin the movie for those who have not watched it but you will not be disappointed, it was so so so so so so good.. and good is nowhere near of describing it., I guess I exaggerated a bit but you get the point, so schedule a day to go watch it with your girlies, boys or boyfriend/girlfriend!(guys with girlfriends prepare to be jealous!)
The movie got me thinking of being 17. At the moment I could say I am pretty content with my life even though I constantly scream out the line ‘I hate my life’ but Im just a teenager, what teenager at some point doesn’t hate their life? I guess my life could be better.. I mean there are lots of things I wish I had and I must admit to an extent, I am pretty disappointed as the things I wanted at 17 have not appeared ..YET. Hope for the hopeless right?

By the way, the photo of the fork and the cup represents that I went to dinner at Toscani’s today and ordered a delicious chicken risotto. I would post a picture up of it but I forgot to take a picture. Before our drive to Parramatta , I was chilling at Rowena’s. We played guitar hero (Its time to admit it, I SUCK!!..) , took photos in her backyard and watched weird but very funny and entertaining you tube clips.

I am on holidays for two weeks at the moment and my plans for these holidays is to catch up on reading, work (i.e. assignments & study) and just relax and hang out. I calculated my spending for the holidays and I have concluded that I will be broke by the first week. Why haven’t they invented a money tree yet? With all this technology being invented... wasted on hybrid cars and ways to prevent global warming, as if that’s going to help the world (sense the sarcasm).
Currently mellowing out to: Lady Hawke – Crazy World
“Sick of all that we have to be in this life
Gimme all that you have
Gimme what you like
Waiting here for a fool to begin his life”
Au Revoir!
P.S During the movie I was thinking about the guy who was in the 1989 basketball team, that was so cute! I knew I saw him from somewhere and now I figured it out.. He was in 90210! ZAC EFRON!
Labels: 17, Future Husband, Parramatta, Zac Efron do not like the things as you did before. I believe I have changed drastically from the beginning of 08, this is due to events that have happened in my life, not to sound dramatic but they have definitely impacted on the person that I have become today, in a good and bad way. The reasons for my actions are consequently due to my eventful life. I guess it is necessary to have highs and lows in your life to alter your existence… I mean who would want to live their life doing the same thing, feeling the same emotions everyday?
There’s a song that has been on repeat on my winamp for hours, it’s called Think Of you by A Fine Frenzy, I love her album One Cell in the Sea. It’s a must listen, so check it out! There’s a lyric in there that got me pondering rather than studying for my modern exam:
“I thought I had it figured out
In a brand new life
With a great big house and
Green initials on the towels
I should be happy now”
What if the plans I have for my life do not work out and I end up completely lost and living a life that I did not intend to have?
Anyway, that’s for future me to figure it out.
Here are the things that are different about me these past few months:
- As autumn approached last month, I realised I really loved the falling brown leaves and windy days…. I use to love Sping&Summer now I am an Autumn&Winter chick. I just love those cold days where you stay in bed for hours listening to Feist or Lykke Li curling up to a good book while sipping on hot coffee, chocolate or milk tea. Those days are gold. The fashion is also way more satisfying than Spring and Summer fashion.
- I have become less of an optimistic person and have shifted to a realist. For example, I use to be one of those people who believed in doing things that make you happy regardless of the consequences, at present, I am someone who’s vision is blinded by reality and can only see the logic towards things. This relates to my change in university courses and what I want to do with my life. At the moment, I am totally clueless with the path I want to choose but all I know is I want to make lots of money and buy a big house with a spectacular garden and an exquisite view.
- To contradict my last point, I tend to daydream more often that I use to. I also like to sleep more because I can escape into the life that I want and wished I had. Sleep is like a city where you are God and can control every aspect that you wish to but it’s not the city I live in…. permanently.
- I do not see the good in boys anymore except for the ones I call my best friends.
- I use to like the idea of going on a date, dining at an expensive restaurant but now my ideal date is walking in the park on a breezy day, when the sun just sets while talking about the past, present and future.
- I have had the realisation that I can be heavily opinionated, obnoxious and self-righteous at times. With this realisation, I will change.
- Nevertheless, I have also grown to be more comfortable with my best friends, so comfortable that I can talk to them about anything and finally open up to my loved ones.
The things that will never change are the love for my best friends, family and me.
I’d like to give special shout outs (not in order) to:
- Rowena especially for making this blog and giving me the opportunity to voice my thoughts and of course for always being there for me ever since eleven years ago.
- Cathy Vu for always making me laugh when times are tough and tolerating with my complaints all the time, I value your friendship more than words can explain.
- Thanh for telling me what I need to hear and understanding my point of views even when no one else does.
- Khanh for being a good friend who I can depend on for support.
- Bryan for the happy moments I treasure in my life and being there for me when I need someone to talk to.
- Chris for giving me directions when Im clueless in life and being there when I need you.
- David Chi for giving me the wisdom and guidance to help me in life and tolerating my calls even if it’s at 2 in the morning.
- Paul for those great moments we shared and especially for always being there for me through thick and thin.
- Jeffrey for being the hilarious person you are and cheering me up when I need it most.
- My family for always putting up with my absurd behaviours and easily forgiving me when I am at fault.
Of course, these are only a few lines that I can come up with at the top of my head, the way I feel about you guys are so so so much more, so thank you for everything you guys have done for me, I appreciate each and everyone of you so dearly.
And to someone who is not present in my current life..
I have learnt to forgive you and move on, I wished things didn’t turn out the way it has but you have helped me realise so many things that were wrong with me and from this experience I have grown to become a better person. Thank you.
“Just to put your mind at ease
You don’t owe me anything
You paid me well....
In memories”
I promise you my next entry will not be this cheesy..
Labels: a fine frenzy, first, friends, rowena, self-reflection