I was going to write an Easter entry but according to Daniel, Easter is actually on Sunday. I knew that…..
I woke up at midday today wanting to sleep more but you know when you reached the point where you can not sleep any more... like the limit has exceeded? Yeah, That’s why I woke up. I planned today to be a stay at home in bed watching classic movies day.. But the weather is far too nice for that. David asked me if I wanted to go watch Dragon Ball so I said yes, more on that later. I decided to watch a movie before the movie and thanks to Alex who gave me Coyote Ugly, that’s what I wanted to watch. However, my laptop died this morning, I think the battery is stuffed up or something, it always does that, stupid laptop, so I decided to watch it on my brother’s computer but it didn’t work for some particular reason. So I decided to watch Twilight again since my blinds were down and I was on the bed already. Still in love with Edward Cullen.
Then, my brother kicked me off to watch his stupid anime, so I decided to kill more time, I know I should be preserving my time because I don’t have enough time as I am a full time student doing her HSC and HSC kills pretty much 3/4s of your time. Anyway, I turned on my computer and decided to try the disc on my computer.. keep reading, Im getting to my point! So it WORKED. I was so angry!!!
The point of that recount was to say that… why can’t everything work with everything? That’s right, because life would be boring. I mean, if every fashion statement worked on everyone, individuality would not be in the dictionary. Society contradicts in so many ways, one way is how everyone says ‘its good to be yourself, be different’ but MOST people go for the typical ‘hot, stunning, model-like looking guys or girls’ . Dude, that ain’t different. Im glad I am not one of those people, okay I guess, I would like someone like that but if his boring… goodbye! Looks would attract me, but it’s the personality that would make me stay. If he was gorgeous but never talked, I would dump him straight away or keep him for a while to stare at him… You get my point :)
So, today I was a bored child and since Dragon Ball is one of the movies on my list to watch, David & I decided to go watch it. It wasn’t that BAD.. but it was quite bad, the main character is quite cute & the girls are hot! The storyline was really awful and confusing and was nothing like the anime, so watch it, if you’re a big dragon ball fan, im going to watch the whole anime again from start to finish this year, that’s one of my goals!

After the movie it was only 8 o clock, so we decided to go to Julie’s house to chill and catch up for a bit,. It was hilarious the things we talked about it and it was amusing to see Julie & David fight continuously. Love ya guys!
Is currently mellowing out to….
Lykke li – Breaking It up
“So give me the reason to stay
Give me the reason to wait
You know I don't look to get caught'
Cause darling we're here but my true love is not”
Labels: Dragon Ball, Edward Cullen, Movies
Posted on
Sunday, April 12, 2009
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